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Christ the King
Community Church
There are nine basic values that set our agenda. They are the basis by which we set our priorities concerning all activities and ministries here at Christ the King.
1. Celebrative, heart-felt worship that uplifts and honors God
2. Relevant Expositional preaching and teaching of God's word that encourages and challenges
3. The health and strength of families
4. Accepting people where they are at because they matter to God
5. Expanding the kingdom of God through empowering people and encouraging them to multiply the hope of Christ in others
6. Intentional relationship building through small groups that provide compassionate care and honest friendships
7. Helping individuals to understand their talents and gifts so that they may serve God and impact others effectively
8. Excellence that strives to maintain the highest standards so we can do our very best in everything
9. Relying on God through prayer to accomplish His work
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